How to Share User Posts on Your Facebook Page for Increased Engagement

How to Share User Posts on Your Facebook Page for Increased Engagement

How to Share User Posts on Your Facebook Page for Increased Engagement

Are you tired of struggling to increase engagement on your Facebook page? Well, fear not my friends, because today we're sharing a surefire way to boost engagement: sharing user-generated content (UGC) on your page! Not only does it show that you appreciate your followers, but it also provides social proof for your brand. Want to know how to share user posts on your Facebook page? Keep reading!

Step 1: Find User-Generated Content

The first step in sharing UGC is finding it. Keep an eye on your brand mentions, hashtags, and direct messages for content created by your followers that features your brand or product. You can also use Facebook's search function to find posts that mention your brand. Once you find a post that you want to share, you'll need to get permission to use it. Reach out to the creator of the post and ask if you can share it on your page. It's important to always give credit to the original creator, so make sure to tag them or mention their name in your post.

Step 2: Download the Post

Once you have permission to use the post, you'll need to download it. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the post and selecting "Download." This will save the post to your computer or device.

Step 3: Create Your Post

Now that you have the UGC, it's time to create your post. Open Facebook and go to your business page. Click on "Create Post" and then select "Photo/Video." This will open a window where you can select the UGC that you downloaded. Once you've selected the post, add your own caption, and tag the original creator of the post. You can also add relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your post.

How to Share User Posts on Your Facebook Page for Increased Engagement

Step 4: Share the Post

Once you've created your post, it's time to share it. You can choose to share it immediately or schedule it for a future date and time. Sharing UGC on your page not only increases engagement, but it also shows your followers that you value their opinion and appreciate their content. It also provides social proof for your brand, which can lead to increased trust and loyalty among your audience.

Additional Tips to Maximize Engagement on Your Facebook Page

Here are some additional tips to help you increase engagement on your Facebook page:

  • Post consistently to keep your page active.
  • Ask questions to encourage engagement.
  • Use images and videos to make posts more visually appealing.
  • Know your audience and cater to their interests.
  • Use Facebook Insights to track engagement trends and adjust your strategy.
  • Collaborate with other Facebook pages to reach a wider audience.
  • Run contests or giveaways to encourage participation.
  • Respond promptly to comments and messages to show that you value engagement.
  • Use humor or timely topics to make posts more shareable.
  • Use Facebook Live to engage with your audience in real-time.
  • Use hashtags to make posts more discoverable.
  • Monitor comments and remove spam or inappropriate content promptly.
  • Optimize your posts for mobile viewing.
  • Host events or webinars to engage with your audience in a more personal setting.
  • Encourage user-generated content (UGC) by featuring it on your page.
  • Create polls or surveys to gather feedback from your audience.
  • Use Facebook Stories to share behind-the-scenes content and give a more personal touch to your posts.
  • Keep posts short and to the point to grab users' attention quickly.
  • Use influencers to help reach a wider audience and bolster engagement.
  • Utilize Facebook Groups to facilitate discussions and engage with your most dedicated followers.


Sharing user-generated content on your Facebook page is a simple and effective way to increase engagement and provide social proof for your brand. By following these four steps, you can easily share UGC on your page and show your followers that you value their opinion and appreciate their content. At Socialdraft, we offer midjourney prompts, ChatGPT prompts, chatbot templates, stable diffusion prompts, and more to help you take your social media strategy to the next level. Check out our store to see how we can help you increase engagement and grow your brand on social media.

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