Why am I Blocked from Doing Facebook Lives?

Why Facebook Blocks You from Going Live and What You Can Do About It

Facebook is undoubtedly the biggest social media giant of the world. It has over 2 billion active users, and people spend around two and a half hours a day on the platform. Facebook Live has become a popular feature where users can broadcast their video directly to their friends or followers in real-time. But what happens when Facebook blocks you from doing this? It can be a frustrating experience when Facebook suddenly blocks you from going live. This is a common issue for many Facebook users, and there are several reasons why this happens.

Reasons Why You Might be Blocked from Going Live on Facebook

Violation of Community Standards

Firstly, violating Facebook’s community standards can result in Facebook blocking you from going live. Facebook takes the safety and security of its users very seriously, and any content that violates its community standards is subject to being removed or the user being blocked. Facebook's standards cover a wide range of topics, such as hate speech, graphic content, nudity, and explicit sexual activity. So, before you hit that go-live button, make sure you’re not breaking any rules.

Reaching Your Facebook Live Limit

Another reason why you may be blocked from going live is if you've reached your daily limit. Yes, Facebook sets a limit on how many live videos you can do in a day, and if you exceed that limit, you'll be temporarily blocked from going live again until the next day. So, if you're planning on doing a live marathon, make sure you're aware of your limitations.

Copyright Infringement

Facebook will block you from going live not only for music but also any type of video or content that violates someone's copyright. It's a serious offense that can land you in hot water. So, it's always best to double-check that you have the proper permissions before using any content.

Using a VPN or Proxy Server

Using a VPN or accessing Facebook through a proxy server may also be the cause of being blocked from going live. Facebook has become increasingly cautious about who can access their platform, and using a VPN or proxy server can be seen as a security risk. So, if you're using one of those, it might be time to switch to a secure and reliable network.

What You Can Do About Being Blocked from Going Live on Facebook

If Facebook blocks you from going live, don't panic. Address the issue head-on and work to resolve it. Here's what you can do:

Contact Facebook’s Support Team

First and foremost, figure out the reason behind the block. If you're not sure, reach out to Facebook's support team and find out what's going on. Once you know what the issue is, you can work on solving it.

Remove Infringing Content and Reach Out to the Copyright Owner

If your blockage is related to copyright infringement, remove the infringing content and reach out to the copyright owner to try and retract their report.

Delete the Offending Content or Post an Apology on Your Profile

If your blockage is due to violating community standards, delete the offending content or, better yet, post an apology on your profile.


Facebook Live is an incredible tool that allows marketers to engage with their audience in real-time. But it's important to play by Facebook's rules and guidelines to avoid being blocked. Remember, consistency is key, and with Facebook Live, you have the opportunity to increase engagement, visibility, and page views. If you're looking for new and innovative ways to improve your social media presence, be sure to check out Socialdraft's vast range of prompt products that can assist you in navigating the ever-changing landscape of social media.

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