Cracking the Code: Debunking Myths About the Best Time to Post on Facebook

Cracking the Code: Debunking Myths About the Best Time to Post on Facebook

Cracking the Code: Debunking Myths About the Best Time to Post on Facebook

Facebook is a powerful social media platform with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2021. With so many people on the platform, businesses and marketers are often looking for ways to optimize their presence and reach their audience effectively. One such strategy is figuring out the best time to post on Facebook. However, there are various myths surrounding this strategy that may be doing businesses more harm than good. In this article, we aim to debunk these myths and help you find the right approach to optimize your Facebook presence.

Myth #1: The Best Time to Post is When Your Audience is Online

Contrary to popular belief, posting when your audience is online may not always be the best approach. First, it's challenging to pinpoint the exact time when all your followers are online since people from different time zones and various schedules use the platform. Second, even if you know the times when most of your followers are online, these times may overlap with other posts that are competing for their attention. Therefore, posting at off-peak times may help your content stand out.

Myth #2: There is a Universal Best Time to Post

Another common myth is that there is a universal best time to post on Facebook. However, this may not be true because different businesses have different audiences with varying schedules and preferences. For example, if your audience is primarily made up of stay-at-home parents, posting during the day might work better than posting at night. Similarly, if your audience is composed of college students, posting before or after classes may be the optimum time. Therefore, it's crucial to experiment with different posting times to see what works best for your brand.

Myth #3: Posting More Often is Better

Posting more frequently does not necessarily lead to better engagement or reach on Facebook. The algorithm prioritizes quality content over the number of posts. Posting irrelevant, boring content frequently can lead to a drop in engagement and cause your followers to unfollow your page. Instead, focus on posting high-quality content that resonates with your audience and create a content calendar that prioritizes quality over quantity.

Myth #4: The Same Posting Strategy Works for Every Social Media Channel

It's crucial to remember that what works on one social media platform may not work on another. Each platform has its audience and posting best practices. For example, LinkedIn and Facebook users may have different expectations, posting behavior, and use different parts of their day to interact with social media. Besides, each platform has its algorithms that determine content ranking and distribution. Therefore, it's essential to tailor your posting strategy to each platform's unique dynamics.

Myth #5: Your Posting Schedule is Set in stone

Finally, it's essential to realize that the best posting time will change over time. Audience behavior and preferences change, and so does the platform's algorithm. Therefore, it's important to revisit your posting schedule regularly and make changes as necessary. Keep an eye on your engagement and reach metrics, experiment with different posting times, and analyze the results. Use this data to make informed decisions on when to post and fine-tune your posting strategy.


The best time to post on Facebook is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It varies depending on various factors, including your audience, your content, and the current state of the platform. It's essential to experiment with different posting times, measure the results, and adjust your strategy continually. At Socialdraft, we understand the importance of social media strategy in today's digital age, and we offer services such as mid-journey prompts and chatbot templates to help you optimize your presence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your Facebook reach and engagement.

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