The Surprising Influence of Twitter on Fast Food Dining Choices

The Surprising Influence of Twitter on Fast Food Dining Choices

The Surprising Influence of Twitter on Fast Food Dining Choices

In today’s society, social media has a significant impact on our everyday lives, including our dining choices. Social media platforms such as Twitter have become a valuable tool for fast food chains to promote their products and interact with their customers. In recent years, Twitter has played a significant role in influencing the dining choices of fast food customers. This article examines the surprising influence of Twitter on fast food dining choices and how social media platforms have emerged as an essential marketing tool in the fast food industry.

Twitter as a Marketing Tool

A study conducted by the digital marketing agency, Carat, found that 64% of fast-food customers between the ages of 18-49 are more likely to visit a restaurant that they follow on social media. Twitter has become the go-to social media platform for fast food chains to promote their products, offer deals, and engage with their customers. By using hashtags such as #McDStories or #BurgerKing, fast food chains can create a buzz surrounding their brand and increase their social media presence.

The Surprising Influence of Twitter on Fast Food Dining Choices

The Impact of Customer Feedback

Twitter has also become a platform for customers to voice their opinions about fast food chains. Customers can tweet about their experiences dining at a particular fast food chain, and these tweets can have a considerable impact on that chain's reputation. For example, if a customer tweets about receiving poor customer service at a fast food restaurant, that tweet can go viral, and the chain's reputation can suffer as a result.

Fast food chains have also used Twitter as a tool to gather customer feedback and improve their products. Taco Bell, for example, created a unique menu item called the Quesalupa based on feedback it received from customers on Twitter. The chain tweeted a teaser image of the product and asked its followers to guess what it was. The tweet generated a lot of buzz, and when the Quesalupa was finally released, it was a massive success.

Using Twitter Responsibly

Twitter has proven to be an effective marketing tool for fast food chains, but it is important to note that social media platforms are not without their risk. Fast food chains must use social media responsibly and be prepared to handle any negative feedback or crisis that may arise. A single negative tweet can lead to a public relations nightmare, so it is crucial that chains have a crisis management plan in place.


In conclusion, Twitter has emerged as a valuable marketing tool for fast food chains. By using hashtags and engaging with their customers, fast food chains can promote their products and increase their social media presence. Twitter has also become a platform for customers to share their opinions and for fast food chains to gather feedback and improve their products. While social media platforms like Twitter have proven to be effective for fast food chains, it is important to use them responsibly and be prepared to handle any negative feedback that may arise.

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