10 Eye-Opening Pinterest Stats for Social Media Managers

10 Eye-Opening Pinterest Stats for Social Media Managers

Pinterest is a social media platform that has revolutionized the way people find inspiration for their hobbies, home decor, recipes, and much more. With over 450 million active users worldwide, Pinterest has become a place where users search, save, and share ideas that interest them. But, have you ever considered Pinterest as part of your social media strategy? It's a tool that social media managers should not ignore. Here are 10 eye-opening Pinterest stats that would convince any social media manager to include the platform in their marketing plan.

1. Pinterest Users Love to Shop

According to Hootsuite, 83% of Pinterest users have purchased a product or service based on the content they saw on Pinterest. This statistic proves how Pinterest is an excellent platform for businesses to showcase their products or services and attract potential customers. Whether you are a small or big business, Pinterest can drive traffic and sales to your website.

2. Pinterest Reaches Buyers at Different Stages of the Purchase Funnel

Pinterest users have various objectives when they visit the platform. Some users are discovering ideas, whereas others are planning their purchases. A survey by Millward Brown found that 96% of Pinterest users use the platform to research and gather ideas, and 93% of Pinners use the platform to plan their purchases. Thus, Pinterest can help businesses reach their target audience in different stages of their purchase journey.

3. Pinterest Users Are Willing to Spend More

Pinterest users not only love to shop, but they are also willing to spend more on products. Data from Shopify showed that the average order value from Pinterest is $50, which is higher than the average order value from other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

4. Pinterest Has a Large Female User Base

Pinterest has a larger female user base than male. According to Statista, in 2021, 77.1% of Pinterest users in the United States were female. This information is essential for businesses that sell products or services that cater to women.

5. Pinterest Is a Source of Inspiration

Pinterest is a platform that thrives on inspiration. Users search for ideas for their next DIY project, recipe, or travel destination. Pinterest's CEO, Ben Silbermann, said that, "Pinterest is about inspiration for your real life." This statement means that businesses can leverage Pinterest to inspire potential customers to purchase their products or services.

6. Pinterest Saves Are Long Lasting

Unlike other social media platforms, where posts disappear after a short time, Pinterest pins have a longer lifespan. A pin can stay on a user's board for months or even years, depending on the user's preferences. This attribute makes Pinterest a valuable marketing tool for businesses because their content can stay relevant for a long time.

7. Pinterest Drives Referral Traffic

Pinterest is one of the top referral traffic drivers for websites. According to Sprout Social, Pinterest drives 33% more referral traffic to websites than Facebook. Thus, social media managers should include Pinterest in their strategy to drive traffic to their website.

8. Pinterest Users Are Highly Engaged

Pinterest users are highly engaged and seek to interact with the content they find. According to Hootsuite, Pinterest has a 2.81% engagement rate, which is higher than Twitter's 0.025% engagement rate. This statistic shows that businesses can create engaging content on Pinterest that can attract potential customers.

9. Pinterest Is a Search Engine

Pinterest is not just a social media platform; it is also a search engine. Users search for ideas using keywords and Pinterest displays relevant pins based on the search. Social media managers should create optimized content with relevant keywords to help their content appear higher in search results.

10. Pinterest Provides Insights

Pinterest provides businesses with analytics and insights to track the performance of their content. Social media managers can use Pinterest analytics to monitor their followers, impressions, and engagement rates.


In conclusion, Pinterest is a social media platform that social media managers should not ignore. The platform's vast user base, engagement rates, shopping habits, and referral traffic make it a valuable marketing tool for businesses. Social media managers can leverage Pinterest to drive traffic and sales to their website, reach potential customers in different stages of the purchase funnel and create long-lasting content with higher engagement rates. At Socialdraft, we offer midjourney prompts, chatgpt prompts, chatbot templates, stable diffusion prompts, and more that can help businesses elevate their Pinterest game. Contact us for more information on how we can help your business succeed on Pinterest.

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